
you have been accepted for a job at the nimrod zoo in ohio. Monke and his friends aren't so happy about that.

Monke does tend to get rambunctious at times, but he just had a banana overdose.

meet the gang!!

Monke! (the monkey)

Fernando! (the chunki monki)

Esteban! (goat)

Fredrick! (we do not talk about Fredrick.)

this game does have lore

CHEATS (use after the phone call)

press m1 to get monke's jumpscare

press e2 to get esteban's jumpscare

press f3 to get fernando's jumpscare

press f4 to get frederick's jumpscare

press and hold the letters PHONE to do the phone call

press p0 to set the power to 0.

join the official fardcord

Development log

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